That really depends on the time of the year that you visit.  Orcas Island is known to be much cooler than most places in the country during the summer which makes it a refreshing summer escape.

Here’s how things usually look in July and August:

  • Daytime highs:  75° – 85° F
  • Overnight lows:  40° – 50° F

If you’re visiting during a cooler time of the year (April – June and September), remember to pack a few more layers than you think you’ll need.  You’ve got to stay warm hanging around camp and the Island outside all day – not just when you turn in for the night.

*B.Y.O.B. Bring your own bedding (and bath house supplies!)

  • We’ll provide a mattress – you take it from there!

*Please know that our platform tents do not offer any utilities or heat!